
Editorial Bioteck
18 March 2023
Present and Future of Bioteck
Interview at IDS with Eng. Nico Biasiolo, General Manager at Bioteck SpA
Why is it important for Bioteck Spa to attend this edition of IDS as well?
For Bioteck Spa it has always been important to join IDS, an internationally recognized showcase for the dental market.
This year, however, in a particular way: Bioteck has chosen IDS as the moment to launch H42®, the innovative Bioteck collagenic hydrogel, effective and specific for the treatment of periodontal and peri-implant pockets: real pathologies which by now afflict an increasingly number of people in the world.
What is the distinctive trait of Bioteck Spa? And what is its future?
Our mission describes it well “Bioteck manufactures biological medical devices, using original patented processes through a continuous research and development process in the field of biotechnology. “
Innovation, research & development to offer to patients regenerative solutions and the least invasive technical-surgical applications. This is constant and continuous and is carried out by internationally trained researchers, and supported by heavy investments.
In this way Bioteck is able to face the challenges of today and tomorrow, with constant qualitative improvement of products and processes.
A first challenge is certainly the one dictated by the introduction of the new European regulation, which in recent years has seen the team involved in the migration of devices to MDR.
How does Bioteck Spa intend to ensure its future?
Continuous investments in innovation, research & development and constant tension towards the qualitative improvement of processes according to ISO13485 quality system, through careful selection and collaboration with the Supply Chain – added value of all successful companies – are accompaigned by an effective management control system, by professionals with many years of experience, and an excellent industrial production capacity by our operations team.
Our team, highly qualified and cohesive, is able to respond to the challenges posed by the new European & international regulatory standards; to guarantee the distribution of high quality medical devices and to let the company to project itself more and more towards non-EU markets. This thanks to a sales & marketing team, on the one hand attentive to the selection of quality distribution partners capable of supporting post-market surveillance activities, and on the other aimed at paying close attention to the needs of its partners all over the world.