
Editorial Bioteck
23 October 2023
CHondroGrid® Day: a successful event
Last September, we held a day of Advanced Training on CHondroGrid®, at our Multifunctional Production Research and Development Center in Chieri (Turin), involving Bioteck partners from all over the world.
The event focused on “CHondroGrid®: the revolution of hydrolyzed collagen in the treatment of osteoarthritis, tendinopathies and muscle injuries”.
The workshop centered on in-depth analysis of the technical and clinical aspects of this innovative product. The workshop was designed and created in collaboration with Bioteck Academy.
Doctors Matteo Buda, Angel Heredia & Matteo Colombo led participants through CHondroGrid’s biology, practical steps and specific applications.
Visiting Bioteck production departments, where our products are produced.
We are very happy with the number of attendees and the interest we were able to generate. This is boosting even more our enthusiasm in increasing the number of activities to spread products’ advantages for doctors, surgeons and patients.
Thanks to everyone and see you next time.