
Bioteck social responsability


Editorial Bioteck

6 June 2022

Bioteck Social Responsability

The idea
Bioteck is a company that has always had a social focus on the territory in which it operates. A characteristic borrowed from the sensibility of its founder and that of his family members, attentive to the needs of their community and committed to it.

A vision and a way of being in society that led to the desire to also engage through the company in a veritable Corporate Social Responsibility project: Bioteck Social Responsibility
A structured plan that implements the desire to provide its contribution to educational, training, and moral assistance association activities in a vision of support and benefit for its community, its Vicenza area.

The goal
Bioteck Social Responsibility aims to do something concrete in the knowledge that it can positively influence people’s social and educational lives by engaging in a project that ensures concrete and sustained help over time.

The target audience
In every area there are small sports, social and educational associations that survive thanks to the passion and total commitment of their founders, athletes, managers, volunteers, and parents who take part in it.
Associations focused on volunteering that have the significant merit of promoting and bringing to life sports values (loyalty, competition, tenacity), social values (respect, understanding, brotherhood) and educational and training values (knowledge, future, growth).
Associations, each with their own peculiarities, that are advocates of opportunities for education and human development, especially when they involve the very young or promote activities that engage people with disabilities.
They need to be supported for the benefit they bring not only to those who actively participate in them, but also for the contribution they indirectly disseminate in their community.

Activities planned for 2022
Bioteck has identified the first activities and associations it wishes to support in 2022:

• 4 Cats H81 ASD – Wheelchair Rugby Vicenza
An association dedicated to wheelchair rugby – a Paralympic sport addressed to quadriplegic athletes who compete 4 against 4 in special wheelchairs built to withstand the spectacular collisions that occur during a match.

• Handball School Vicenza
An amateur sports association that grew out of the enthusiasm of a group of friends and parents who believe that sport is essential for healthy living and a wonderful tool for bringing together and socializing. It welcomes youngsters starting from 10 years of age.

• Girls & Science
Bioteck will actively participate in this project promoted by Apindustria Confimi Vicenza, which is aimed at 2nd-3rd-4th grade female students in high schools in the city of Vicenza to raise awareness on the acquisition of STEM (an acronym for Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) disciplines and thus promoting the reduction of the “gender gap” related to this type of technical and scientific subjects.

Bioteck Social Responsibility is the company’s way of providing support for social progress that comes through sport, inclusion, and education.

